Tuesday, July 13, 2010

About Black Money Scam Part-04

This is a photo of lier >>>

I will post another lying email.

Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 09:41:54 -0700
Subject: Need business Partner
From: spiritos.us@gmail.com
To: malikah2000@hotmail.com

Dear Friend
>> My Name is Daniel, I'm from Sierra Leone. I know you will be surprised
>> reading from someone you have never met before, I found you contact while
>> searching for friends in pakistan
>> Actually I have been in Phnom Penh Cambodia for over two weeks now and my
>> reasons for coming over here seems not the way I though it would be. My
>> reasons for traveling to Asia were to seek for means of establishing my own
>> business. I lost my father when I was 10years old and have grown with my
>> mother; I was born in free town Sierra Leone.
>> My father owned A Diamond mining company as a joint Venture with my uncle,
>> but since his death I and my mother are not getting any good share from the
>> company, I have worked there since I was 23 years old and I'm been treated
>> like ordinary staff in my father's company, this led to my mother request
>> for the company to divided and we can have our own share while my uncle
>> should have his too, but it resulted in big problem until the court judged
>> that the company should be split and we have our share part of it.
>> On the 3rd of November 2008 it was carried out and we had our share of the
>> Company, but since then my uncles have been after us, using his power in the
>> society in threatening me and my mother. With so much problems from my
>> uncle, my mother came up with the idea that we should sell our part of the
>> mining company and some other landed properties of my late father, then I
>> should travel out of the country to seek for any better business I can do
>> there to safe my life from the wrath of my uncle.
>> I agreed with my mother and we sold our share in the company and other
>> properties that belong to my late father, we kept the money in a safety
>> state, then agreed that I should travel to search for any better and
>> lucrative business I can do, that's why am here, but since I arrived
>> Cambodia everything seems so strange to me and I don't know how or whom to
>> tell my plan, things got worse when I was advised to be careful in doing any
>> business with Cambodian people that they can claim the business later since
>> this is their country.
>> I was thinking of buying land or big house to Establish English school
>> since most of the people here are none English speaking, I also thought of
>> hotel business, but in all this I need someone who has a good idea of any of
>> this business or other lucrative business that I can do it with him/her as a
>> joint venture, because I guess it will be easier for me if I have a citizen
>> of the country who can protect me and can stand before the government for
>> any thing.
>> So if you can help me, then we will make plans on how I can travel to meet
>> you in Myanmar your country for other process because am not comfortable
>> from what am seeing here in Cambodia.
>> I look forward to hear from you.
>> Thank you once more

On 7/30/09, TheVu Nguyen wrote:

Dear Mr. Abdel,

Thanks for your response.

I understand your worry about this matter after another government might verify the contract awarded later.
In my opion, you should transfer the said fund to a clearing house where you know, then you yourself might go to that financial centre for the claim of your money. This is the best way for your transfer because i cannot go to overseas presently and I am not sure if I might receive the money.

This is my due advice. Good luck.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:27 AM, johnny wrote:
With all due respect,i humbly request you to give me full support and asistance to make sure we achieve our goals in this transaction,which am too optimistic we can ,if we will have mutual understanding ,though the acknowledgement of your mail proof that you are an educated person ,and am satisfied with that,now i want to share my opinion with you , as over all manager for the metainace,if i transfer this money to you directly from my country angola ,there is no problem but in the nearest future ,may be another goverment will come in and might want to verify all the contract awarded through me ,and if found any transfer on my name in our banking system,it will lead to probe me .

I am therefor preparing some document for money laundery and anti terrorist with you will use for the claim of the money in the clearing house,but to the best of my knowledge i dont know which country that has financial centre ,am sure there is one in dubai but i dont know about vietnam may there will be one in singapore or malaysia,it is the best way for such transfer and is granteed.well once am through i shall foward them to you and i will indicate the place you shall go for the claim ,thanks for your maximum corperation .

Best regards

On 7/29/09, TheVu Nguyen wrote:
Dear Mr. Eng. Abdel Rahaman,

Thanks for your attached documents of the deceased.
My information are as follows:

-Full name : NGUYEN THE VU
-Direct Phone :+84 909 00 1618

Kindly let me know the next details of our transaction.

With my best regards,

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:06 PM, johnny wrote:


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:43 AM, TheVu Nguyen <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Abdel,
Kindly send the Contract or the Awarded Certificate and other legal documents of your client with your Petroleum Corp. to me firstly via this medium. After verying all legal documents, I will decide later.
Good luck to us for this transaction.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, johnny wrote:
Sequence to our discussion,i will like you to provide your information in details, full name and address ,telephone number or contact number, why your full name in needed as it is in your id i is to prepare the contract award document on your name, so because of the flood that use to happen here in angola ,am also residing in ghana come to office in angola once or twice in a week .thanks and best regards ABDEL RAHAMAN

After this, there is a lot of cheating plan.So I will short it out.
I will show final email that victim sent to him.

Dear Mr. Abdel Rahaman,

How are you today ? I do not hear anything from you. Hoping you are all fine.

I would like to invite you to arrive in HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, and meet me to resolve our work. Moreover, please instruct your cousin, Mbeki, to finish our work.

According to our agreement before, I just receive your consignment at my door step in HoChiMinh City (Vietnam), but due to your request I paid the handling charges of US$800 (your cousin, Mbeki, paid US$400) to the diplomat to receive your consignment in which you said that there was US$16 Million but I did not see true money inside. And due to your request, I have contributed the sum of US$4,400 and your cousin, Mbeki, received to develop the work but now you keep silent, don't reply me, and don't finish our work. Please let me know the reason ?

My children often get coughs and sneezes since I have received your luggage in my home because of the smell of chemical bottles in your luggage. Therefore I cannot wait for more long time. I will destroy the luggage after the date of 30th November, 2009 if you don't arrive in HoChiMinh City, Vietnam to meet me and resolve our work. The deadline is the day of 30th November 2009.

Please accept my urgent request. This is my official notice.

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

Sincerely yours,

After I knew that I sent email to Victim.
But this guy did not believe that I say.
And I feel sorry that they already made some

About Black Money Scam, Part-03

I will show some emails.

These attachments from email.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:15 AM
Subject: See Attached Copy Of The Deposit Certificate And My Pics.

Dear Beloved Carl Persall, Thanks you for your quick response to my mail.

Please there is no much problem in receiving this fund because i have been praying to God to give me some one who will be trust worthy so when he receives this US$40 million, he will not be able to run away with the money which is all i have in my life now left behind for me by my Late Husband and that is why i am pleading you should help me to receive the fund and after receiving it, you will send some money for me to get my travel documents and get out of this place because i am in asylum here.

Right now you are needed to forward to me the following:

Your ID or passport.......

Your telephone Number.......

Your Residential or Office Address...........

I am
here in a hide and you are the only one i am revealing this secret to. Please my dear, keep it secret until you finally receive this fund for me in Malaysia and when i am out of this place,i will be coming to meet you in Canada so that we can invest together with the fund.

I have attached the DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE and MY PICS and i will forward your information's to the security company in Malaysia when i receive them from you.

Please i will like you to be replying me through this email address for security reasons OK.

God bless and crown all your endeavors.


Mrs Mary Solomon

About Black Money Scam, Part-02

This is one of Email that he sent to


to ok_4u2002
show details 10/30/09
To whom it may concern ,
I am Johnny managing director of clearing house in malaysia ,we recieved none inspection luggage, fund deposited from senate committee fg nigeria,sir you requested to come up to sign off the diplomatic consignment which will attract dumorrage of 120$ per day after the grace of five working days.
The lady in charge will check the handling and clearance charges in the system tommorrow and let you know early morning ,please do not hasitate to come along with your neccessary documents ,mostly deposited certificate .as we will not bear the consequences your delay may cause .thank you .

a b

to me
show details 10/31/09

Hi dear JOHNNY.

I’m Amir Hossein namjoo Bedanjani. I’m in Iran and I can’t come there. How can I get my luggage?

You called me yesterday but I couldn’t understand you.


to a
show details 10/31/09
You agreed with them ,they moved this consigment to malaysia and you are refusing coming down for the claim ,now were do you want to recieve the luggage apart from iran beacause there problem with international organisation ,so all luggage must be inspect ,but you should know any were is going from here the charges might be high , we can get it to pakistan ,dubai,so let me know your opinion ,but the best thing is for you to come up here or some were calim your luggage with 24 hours ,since is valuable iterm up to 3-5milion dollars ,you have to give or deposit it to bank by your self .thanks Johnny

a b

to me
show details 11/23/09
i am amir hossein namjoo.
i want the address of clearing house in malaysia.

About Black Money Scam, Part-01

This photo is not me>>>>>>
This is the guy who lies so many people.
This blog get education how to prevent scam.
All about are true and come from real world.
I am a guy who hate to people who survive with the money
from innocent people.
I will create and show some true story and real emails about
one guy(lier).He sent to people to get targets.
How to get this emails?
Year 2005, this guy(lier) and me met at my internet center.
He request to open Gmail address and I open it.
Lucky! I can get his email address after he cheated on me.
Because his secondary email is my email address.
Actually, I would not show about him.But after I read through all email, I notice that he is dangerous to the innocent people (or) non-educated people.

After I get his email, I read so many stories that he cheat to people.
Even he get sex from girls, with the way he say"I will bring to Oversea".

This is an email, that I sent to guys he trying to cheat.
I want to stop their trust and others transitions.

Don't believe this guy,Named[Abdel Rahaman (or)John (or) Jonny (or) Kinshely Ihinyi] (Spiritos.us@gmail.com)
Hi Sir,

I notice you will doing money transition or money transfer or like business
with guy or willing to do. Whatever don't be greedy and don't be nonsense.
Actually he is Nigerian(scam) but sometime he acting like
Malaysian,Thailand, American,
Vietnam etc....He make well plan to cheat many people with
many ways.
This way (Money transfer) is the main scam that he using it.
He is in Kuala Lumpur(Malay) in current.
He also visit to some Asia country like Myanmar,Thailand,Cambodia,Malaysia
so on.
He searching friends and he cheat to this guys, whoever poor or rich or

Why I can say like this?

Last 2 weeks,he cheat from me about US$5000 at Malaysia.
He arrange the story is totally same as yours.
But about to explain this scam will take so long times
and I have no time to explain you.
Whatever have you see with him face to face or not,he have
so many plans to take your money.
I am not the only one who lost saving money.
There are so many people.

How I can know yours email and about your stories.

Because I heck his email.
I am a Myanmar who working at Singapore as a IT engineer.
Before 3 years I manage one public access center(Internet center)
at my country(Myanmar).He come down and make a friend with me.
Then he use my computers,then I found out the log files and know his
I heck his email for human safety reason.
After I read his email I cry a lot and I very sad for those who have been
cheated.Because some of the plan that he did were too bad for victim.

About his cheated plan.

3 Myanmar girls,he make a friend.
I would not to display their names.
Then he say he can pick-up
to America or good countries.
Then he request over 50,000US$ and make faith married certificate.
And he sleeping with her.How's bad?like a dog.Sometime dog is better than
In these girls one of the girl situation is very worst.
She lost her money, loose job, get pregnant, her family lost saving
money even home.

Then 3 Myanmar guys,3 from Thailand,3 from Malay, Pakistan etc.
So many scams plan.
And I have no strength to type his abhorrent action.
If you don't believe me you can ask further question.

You can also refer and search the case like him.
It's called (Black money scam).
Also can see at Wikipedia.
His cheating plan is not really same.
But scenario is like that.

The way he cheat people.
I write down important parts as well as same this my plan.

Main player = John
John's friend = Jame (money owner)
Diplomat lady = Lusi

1. Invite to meet with others cause.
2. Talking about business and ask can help his friends
3. His friend have money about 3.6 Million and
will invest in my country and I can earn 10% of investment amount.
4. Invite to visit KL, help to booking the hotel,like far from city area.
5. Meet and show their respect and wearing like real business mens.
6. His friend cannot use bank because their family have monitoring
by Government.
Because they are politician.
7. They arrange one diplomat lady to bring their luggage.
8. Luggage must claim by victim name and shown faith document.
9. After 2 or 3 days that lady will contact you and request charges.
Charge like she must give to their embassy because this luggage is not
monitor by any scanners.
10. She acting like she doesn't know what is the things inside.
11. She will take Victim passport if victim cannot effort this charges(US$
12. Inside luggage have money but seem like real.
13. Victim cannot take money from luggage because 100 US$ note have a seal.
John will explain about this seal is how much danger.
14. They put one chemical bottle inside luggage for remove this seal.
15. But unfortunately that bottle is block,can take small amount.
16. He act like very sad and amazing and try to remove with this liquid.
17. He don't allow to take another note because he will say" inside powder
is not good for human health".
18. Then he change with real 100 US$ note and seem like he can remove it
with this liquid.
19. He will bring back this luggage because of security reason.He say, he
will keep in his embassy.
20. Then he ask to find this liquid and he also acting like he searching.
21. Liquid is very special one and cannot get easily.
22. He will quote how many amount you should share for this liquid.
23. He quote me for 125,000 US $ and after remove ,we can claim.
24. If victim cannot effort he took so long for this plan.
25. End of the day victim cannot stand on this plan and run away from him,
26. After that he say like apologize and call again even you know he
cheating you.
28. After he know you never give any money, he will curse on you.
He will say"My guys will kill you if you call to police" or
investigate his plan.
29.Then most of victim still keep quiet and try to forget their fault.

Ask me more.